Best Practices For Stormwater Management


Having proper stormwater management is important for many things from not getting your shoes wet when it is raining to ensuring public safety and environmental sustainability. There are many different methods and approaches to managing stormwater. In today’s blog, we will be diving deeper into some of the best practices for stormwater management!

Retention and Detention Ponds

One relatively common approach to stormwater management is the use of retention or detention ponds. Retention ponds are designed to hold water permanently and manage stormwater through evaporation and infiltration. They help to improve water quality through allowing sediments and pollutants to settle. These ponds can also provide a nice aesthetic to the area that it is around as they can contain wildlife and are an active and important part of an ecosystem.

Detention ponds are unlike retention ponds as they temporarily hold stormwater and release it slowly to avoid flooding. These are more commonly used in urban areas to control peak runoff rates. This is particularly helpful in locations where there is heavy rain for short amounts of time as the detention pond can help to prevent flash flooding. Detention ponds can also help to prevent erosion as it regulates the flow of water.

Other Methods

There are many other methods that can be used to manage stormwater as well. One of the simpler approaches is rainwater harvesting. Rainwater harvesting is when rainwater is collected and stored for future use. Generally, this rainwater is collected off rooftops and is stored in barrels to be used for watering plants and other non-potable practices.

Another more modern and unique method are constructed wetlands. These mimic real wetlands and are designed to treat stormwater through physical, chemical, and biological processes. They provide a habitat for wildlife, improve water quality, and offer recreational and educational support opportunities. It is important to consult professionals to find and create the right stormwater management strategy for you!

Maintenance and Monitoring

It is critical to monitor and perform regular maintenance on these stormwater management systems to ensure their effectiveness. This maintenance could include a variety of different things including clearing debris, repairing erosion, inspecting infrastructure, and more. Monitoring water quality and flow rates can help to identify issues, improve management practices overtime, and to save one’s company money by making sure everything is always functioning properly.


It is incredibly important to have proper stormwater management practices in play and to monitor those practices consistently to prevent a myriad of different issues. To learn more about the services we offer, reach out to or visit the link below!

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