Our Case Studies at Highlands Environmental Solutions


At Highlands Environmental Solutions, we have conducted numerous case studies that have been centered around different types of real projects that we have worked on. Some of the industries that we have conducted these case studies on include petroleum transport and trucking, industrial, property management, and more! Be sure to read the full edition of our blog below to learn about some of our most notable ones!

Case Study: Environmental Assessment and Remediation – Petroleum Transport and Trucking

One of the primary services that we offer at Highlands Environmental Solutions are emergency response services. These incidents can range from minor gasoline spills to large incidents costing hundreds of thousands of dollars. On this project, there was approximately 250 gallons of diesel fuel released some of which went into a nearby body of water.

In this case study, HES was able to respond and quickly assess the extent of the environmental damages. Having a fast response time can be critical especially in water related incidents considering contaminants can spread quickly causing more damage becoming increasingly costly. HES was also able to work with third party structural engineers to ensure the structural integrity of the bridge had not been impacted.

Case Study: Former Methamphetamine Laboratory Decontamination – Property Management and Business Brokers

Highlands Environmental Solutions investigated and decontaminated a former methamphetamine laboratory. Prior to the decontamination, appropriate authorities removed all precursor chemicals and other associated criminal evidence. HES was responsible for testing, removal of contaminated material, and preparing a report on documented activities.

Methamphetamine lab decontamination projects are considered “high risk” as potential chemical exposure could lead to significant health issues. Structural hazards, environmental contamination, and legal liability risks are some of the other challenges that could be faced on this type of project. These reasons are why it is incredibly important that trained professionals handle these complex issues.


With over 20 years of experience in the environmental consulting industry, we have worked on a wide variety of unique projects. We have several other case studies on our website on other complex and interesting projects. To explore more of our case studies, click the link below!

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