The Importance of Environmental Safety Training


Environmental Safety Training is critical for protecting the health and safety of individuals, communities and more. This training also presents a key opportunity for organizations to potentially save significant amounts of money if an incident were to occur.

Protection of Health, Safety, and the Environment

Environmental Safety Training equips business owners and employees with knowledge about potential environmental hazards and how to respond to these hazards properly and safely. This training can largely be tailored to each companies’ individual needs but could include emergency response protocol, exposure to hazardous chemicals, and much more.  

Employees who are well trained are less likely to cause accidents which could result in harm to both themselves, others, and the environment. Environmental damage from emergency incidents can be very minor or very extensive due to a wide variety of different factors with one being how prepared those around the incident are prepared to respond to it. Being prepared helps to protect the environment, your co-workers/ bystanders, and yourself.

Risk Management and Economic Benefits

Environmental Safety Training will teach employees how to address potential hazards properly. Being able to mitigate, identify, and respond quickly is critical to ensuring that emergency incidents do not escalate. In the event of an emergency incident, employees having environmental safety training can save your company both significant amounts of money and time.

What We Offer

Highlands Environmental Solutions offers three different comprehensive safety training courses including:

Environmental Safety Training 101

In this introductory training section, we work with you and your team on how to evaluate and act on spills, accidents and clean up through an understandable and hands-on experience. Although this is our most basic form of safety training, it will be beneficial for both new team members and veterans to better understand the critical states of incident management and how to respond properly to various incidents.

Environmental Safety Training 201

This is a “must-see” presentation for those who may have lived through environmental emergencies or have had previous disaster training. Various things such as case studies of both best practices and worse case scenarios are included to make an interactive and in-depth learning experience. This training can be incredibly helpful for companies with expansive transportation routes and aggressive logistics.

Safety and Environmental Audit

Although all our safety training can is tailored to the specific company it is presented to, this is the most unique type of training we offer. We will first dive into your company’s specific safety records with our safety planning partners. From that we can create a completely unique and personalized presentation from your own incidents and “lessons learned”.


Environmental Safety Training can provide a wide variety of different benefits for a business owner and for the employees. It is important to receive this training from an individual or organization with relevant experience to make the most of the time and money spent. To learn more about the services we offer, click the link below!

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